Brighton Pride interview

August 2nd sees the return of Brighton pride, the theme this year being “freedom to live”. With Uganda recently passing a law which makes being gay or “promoting the gay lifestyle” punishable by death and the devastating anti gay situation in Russia, highlighted earlier this year by the Sochi games, this theme seems to be…

Brighton coastline damaged by Storms

Standing on the pavement, sandwiched between the glinting sea and the ocean of colour that makes up the beach houses, I am reminded why I love the vibrant city of Brighton. On a day like today, where the sun is shining down on us like it knows we need to smile, people are everywhere basking…


by Sam Gardom With the financial crisis continues to simmer around the world seemingly without a clear end in sight, very few of us are left unaffected. In such times of drawn out and sensationalised austerity it is inevitably very hard to remember that in the years that led up to the crashing of the…

What is social media?

  Words By: Mat Smith  Social media is the lovechild of the internet, but what should it be defined as? It could be seen that social media is something that is purely another form of media somewhere where views and expressions should be posted and listened to, a way of consuming our information, this however…

Tourist History

Philip Rylands-Richey I’ve been listening to Two Door Cinema Club’s debut album for weeks, and I’ve only just realised how much control the boyish, carrot top lead singer has over my emotions; In a single song, he’ll tug on my heartstrings so hard that they snap, yet he’ll just as easily tie them around my…